Monday, December 31, 2007

Cant figure out this Blog

I am sorry that the picture of our family is so big but I cant figure out how to make it smaller.... Any suggestions would be good to all you computer savy bloggers out there..

1 comment:

Crystal said...

HIya!!!! Belinda I am so excited you started this blog up!!!! YAY!!!!!!!! You will love it!!! We are going to print ours off someday for the kiddos!!! That is if I ever get to updating again!!! LOL!!

Hey Ok I am not very computer savy at all --my hubby set mine up there should be a section in the template that you can pick the size of the pics--also I don't know if you want this but if you want spaces in between the pics you have to press ENTER at the very top of the first picture--I don't know if any of that helps you --I am still trying to change the color of mine!!!

Anyway I am just so glad you set this up I am putting it in my favorites right now!!!!!!! I just love your little babies!!!!!! xoxxoo