Thursday, May 22, 2008

Happy Thursday

Elsie playing outside with her red ball that she loves
My little guy is getting so big !!

I love this pictures he is sooooo happy and laughing so hard at me playing peek a boo He thinks that it is so funny.
Elsie playing with her new Dora bubble blower
I bought these bibs on Ebay for her 2nd birthday and Edwards 1st birthday I thought they were so cute.

Me and Elise
Me and Edward

This week my girlfriend Leslie and I went to lunch while her husband who is on leave watched her daughter and my Dad and Sharon came over and watched my little munchkins. Leslie and I went shopping a Gymboree and after we bought out the store we had a nice relaxing lunch at Olga’s Kitchen. YUMO. It was really nice to get to go out to lunch without the kids and to go shopping at my favorite store without the kids… Because on Saturday I went up to Gymboree with both kids because Jeff was working in the yard and wouldn’t you know it as soon as I got there Edward lost his mind and was acting with a fool… rocking back and forth in his stroller chair and then started screaming… Then as I was checking out the lady behind me tells me that Elise has my makeup out of my purse…. So it was nice to go to the store without booth of them… Don’t get me wrong I love them dearly but it is just too hard to take both of them shopping. This weekend we are having some of Jeff’s family up and we are going to the St. Louis Zoo and to Grants Farm. The weather is supposed to be really nice so I am looking forward to it. On June 4th my mom is coming up to visit for 3 weeks so we are also looking forward to that too. Elise has picked up on two new words. Bird and Book ( I know they sound the same) she loves books and recently we had a birds nest on the front door and before Jeff could get it down they hatched so I had to wait it out for them to fly away… so when the kids would look out the door the mother bird would make all kinds of noise at them so she saw the birds a lot. Thank goodness the birds are gone as I had to go and clean the front porch off and my wreath because I had yep you guessed it bird dung all over the place…. I better go for now the kids are both asleep and I need to veg in front of the Television.



Our Complete Family said...

I love the new pics B! Yep, the kiddos are getting so big and are just as cute as can be! I had a GREAT time shopping with you and can't wait to do it again. Want to go for a Mommy date when your Mom is here?!? I bet I can talk Jason into taking one more day of leave for me!!! ;) We'll sort a playdate out for this week or next chica. xo

Crystal said...

Belinda!!!--Hola girlfriend!! How are you? Your kiddies are soooo soo gorgeous!!!!!!!!

Can I just tell you girlfriend-- did you just step off of the cover of VOGUE?!!! I am sooo serious!!! Belinda you are just as cute as you can be!!! :)

Thank you soo much for your comments--I will tell you they make my day --I am so sorry I am so late at getting back to you --I am trying to be better about it now --They keep me a hoppin and by the end of the night I veg in front of the tv too, :) but I honestly I always end up falling asleep after five minutes! I finally saw the season finally of Grey's Anatomy ;) I kept falling asleep thru it! hee hee!

I love when you talked about going shopping with both of them!!! I was laughing oooh girlfriend I can so relate :) I love it!!! :)
(((((HUGS)))) to you and your littles!!! :)