Wednesday, September 24, 2008

This is funny!!

Edit: This is even more funny when I told my mom to check out my blog she could not figure out why I put my face on her picture.. I tried explaining it to her and she still kept telling me that I never had a hair style like that HA HA

My Friend Candy did this on her blog and I thought it was funny so I decided to do a picture of me with a haircut like my mom had and then add a picture of her from when she was younger and Wah laaah you can do it too if you go to this link



Candy said...

How fun is THIS...You all look just ALIKE!!! I need to do the same thing withmy MOM and my Nana....I look like my moms mom....HUGS

Half Gaelic, Half Garlic! said...

This is hysterical...I saw this on someone elses blog too.....

I wonder how long it will take until this hairstyle comes back...they always do!

Have a good night!


Our Complete Family said...

Girl, I love it! So funny! Did you show Jeff how hot you look in your fun flip hairdo?!? ;) Love and hugs, Les

Unknown said...

We did that the other day I laughed so hard at some of the pictures I thought I was going to fall out of my chair. It makes me giggle just thinking about.

Buzzings of a Queen Bee! said...

That is so funny! I've played around with that program too and it is embarrassing how bad some of the photos turn out. Yours are really pretty! :)