Friday, January 4, 2008

Eddie's first night not in our room..... : ...(

Well last night Eddie was a big boy and slept in his crib in his room for the first time.... I was a little nervous and did not want to do it but .......I guess he is over 6 months now and we have to do it some time.. He did fine and slept through the night. I have to say I did check on him at 11:00pm when I went to bed and again at 2:00am and he was just fine... HA HA the thought of SIDS just freaked me out... OK I am a dork and took a picture of him last night when I put him in bed..... I am suprised I did not wake him up with the flash.. but I wanted to document the event with a picture with a date stamp on it so I would remember to put it in his baby book... His book is at my girlfriends house in my scrap book bag.. I will have to get it next time I am at her house.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love those babies@!!!!!! Eddie is the spittin image of his daddy. Especially when he smiles. Elise is the spittin image of her Great Aunt Annie.. Keep em coming honey.